Homework: Who’s a Mockingbird?

Homework: Who’s a Mockingbird?


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Deeper Influence of Setting – To Kill a Mockingbird

Deeper Influence of Setting – To Kill a Mockingbird

Tonight’s homework is to complete, on your blog, an analysis of the implications of the details Harper Lee provides about the town Maycomb. Attached is the presentation supporting your identification of these underlying ideas. Download (PPTX,...

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The Symbolism of the Courthouse

The Symbolism of the Courthouse

          In the initial description of the courthouse we have detected a wealth of possible symbolism. Everything from the concrete pillars being too big for what they support to the rusty unreliability of the victorian clock appear to have parallels with Southern American society in the 1930’s Your task is to explain these ideas in a formal anaylsis on your...

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Exploratory Question – To Kill a Mockingbird

Exploratory Question – To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird Writing Exercise What evidence is there of Harper Lee’s moral position in the text. How does she communicate this position, and to what extent is the position left to the reader to decide for themselves. Refer to one (only one) of the following aspects of a literary text: Plot Character Setting Language Structure The writing should be around 500 words in length and contain at least one quotation from the...

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